Saturday, 19 September 2009

Grr Arrrgh!!

Dyspraxia has been playing up lately so not got much knitting done because I'm just not co-ordinated enough when I'm like this to manage the needles.  Tried working on one of the many pairs of socks that I'm working on as Christmas presents and had to rip it back so many times today that I ended up losing my temper and throwing it across the room.

I've given up on the Christening gown because there seems to be an error in the pattern somewhere.  Even my Mum tried it and she was going wrong on exactly the same row as me so I know it can't just be my ineptitude.

One thing I have managed to finish recently is my first pair of gloves!  They're not perfect but considering that I've only really been knitting for 5-6 months, I think they're pretty damn good!

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