My knit kit. For the record, I loathe and detest those wooden needles. The damn things bend and break at the slightest provocation. I have no idea if it's all wooden needles this happens to or those in particular but it's put me off ever using them again. The white disc-shaped thing on top of the loathed needles is my favouritest thing ever. It contains a tape measure, scissors, needle protectors etc and goes everywhere with me.

The first half of the second sock I have ever successfully knitted. For some reason, I can't find the pair to it but I don't care, it's still my favourite thing to work on.

A wrist warmer knitted in Patons self-patterning sock yarn.

Baby booties and scratch mitts knitted in multi-coloured sock wool which are perfect for the recipient because the mother is not exactly traditional (but then I knit them, so what does that say about me...)

Finished products. The acres and acres of military grey stocking-stitch is the back of a pullover for Dad. Fortunately the front has cable so hopefully I won't go completely bat-shit insane before it's finished!

My wool stash, including various double knits, cottons, baby wools and way more sock yarns than can probably be considered healthy.

Magazines and patterns
And that's my stash. Not bad considering I've only really been doing this for about 5 months. I dread to think what my house will look like in 5 years!
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